Building Blocks – Growing Skills for Life and Friendship

This 12 week course for secondary-aged students is designed for one-on-one delivery, focusing on self-awareness, social-emotional skills, and strategies for building healthy relationships. Each session includes personal exercises, reflective discussions, and skill-building activities to help students navigate friendships, boost self-confidence, and handle social challenges effectively.

By the end of this course, students will have developed key skills in self-awareness, assertiveness, effective communication, conflict resolution, and empathy, equipping them to form and maintain supportive, healthy relationships.

Here is more information on the topics we can cover over the 12 weeks

Week 1: Self-Awareness and Personal Identity

  • Objectives:

    • Explore personal identity, values, and strengths.

    • Develop self-awareness as a foundation for personal growth and authentic relationships.

  • Activities:

    • Personal Identity Mapping: Student creates a "Strengths and Values Map" to identify their core values and strengths, followed by reflective discussion on how these influence their relationships.

    • Guided Reflection: Questions on individuality, peer influence, and self-expression.

Week 2: Building Self-Confidence and Assertiveness

  • Objectives:

    • Strengthen self-confidence and practice assertiveness.

    • Learn to set personal boundaries and express needs clearly and respectfully.

  • Activities:

    • Confidence Practice Exercises: Role-play with the instructor, practicing ways to express needs assertively and set boundaries in different scenarios.

    • Self-Reflection: Journal entry on personal goals for self-confidence and setting boundaries in relationships.

Week 3: Effective Communication and Active Listening

  • Objectives:

    • Understand the importance of active listening and non-verbal cues in communication.

    • Practice skills for clear, respectful, and empathetic conversation.

  • Activities:

    • Active Listening Exercise: Student practices listening exercises with the instructor, learning to paraphrase and reflect emotions.

    • Body Language Observation: Watch short video clips (or use role-play) to identify and discuss non-verbal cues and body language in conversations.

Week 4: Conflict Resolution and Problem-Solving

  • Objectives:

    • Develop constructive approaches to handling conflicts.

    • Practice steps in problem-solving and decision-making for positive outcomes.

  • Activities:

    • Conflict Scenario Role-Play: Student works through a conflict scenario with the instructor, using the "S.T.A.R. Method" (Stop, Think, Act, Reflect) to practice conflict resolution steps.

    • Personal Reflection: Journal on a recent conflict experience, guided by questions that encourage reflection on different resolution approaches.

Week 5: Empathy and Building Positive Connections

  • Objectives:

    • Foster empathy and understanding for others in friendships and social settings.

    • Develop the ability to appreciate different perspectives and build trust.

  • Activities:

    • Perspective-Taking Exercise: Discuss a scenario from different viewpoints to build empathy and understanding of how others might feel.

    • Trust and Communication Reflection: Journal entry on the importance of trust and communication in personal relationships.

Week 6: Reflection, Goal-Setting, and Maintaining Healthy Friendships

  • Objectives:

    • Reflect on the skills learned and set personal growth goals for maintaining healthy friendships.

    • Identify ways to nurture positive relationships.

  • Activities:

    • Friendship Action Plan: Student creates an action plan that includes personal goals and strategies for applying learned skills in real-life relationships.

    • Course Reflection Discussion: Guided conversation with the instructor on the course highlights, personal takeaways, and future goals.

Assessment and Reflection

  • Participation: Engaging actively in 1:1 discussions and role-play activities.

  • Reflection: Weekly reflections and journaling on personal progress and insights gained.

  • Final Project: Completion of the "Friendship Action Plan" as a takeaway for applying skills beyond the course.